Leadership Survey

The Journey from Successful Technical Professional to an Innovation Leader

In today’s fast changing business environment, the only way any organization can survive and thrive is if its internal rate of change exceeds the external rate of change. Is the external rate of change going to slow down? Absolutely not.

Innovation is a team sport and a people process. Managers at every level of the organization need leadership skills to actively engage people in the innovation and the change processes.

Leadership is different from management.

People often assume good managers are good leaders; however, management deals with the tactical operations of a job, while leadership involves inspiring and unleashing people’s discretionary efforts. You manage systems and processes, but you lead people. Leadership requires balancing sensitivity towards people with the ability to get things done. You can manage but not lead without doing both.

Our emotions and feelings directly result from our thoughts – what we say to ourselves – which are directed by our beliefs. In other words, our outer world reflects the blueprint of our belief system.

Going from here to there

Imagine visiting a state park and standing in front of one of their big maps to chart a path to the spot you want to reach. The first step to reaching your destination is to find your current location on the map. Similarly, in your professional journey from being a technical professional to becoming an inspiring leader, you must consciously know your current beliefs.

The following survey will help you do just that.

Download From Successful Technical Manager to an Inspiring Leader.