
One day I found myself standing in my physician’s office. "Lately I have not been as effective at work as I used to be, especially in dealing with people," I told him.

I started my career as an industrial engineer at RCA in Indianapolis, manufacturing Elvis Presley records and tapes. Technology transformed the world of music from analog to digital. RCA switched to making CDs.

Last Tuesday, I was the guest speaker in the graduate counseling class at the College of Education at the University of Memphis.

My motivation to pursue graduate studies in counseling and psychology was to improve my people leadership skills. The starting point of this growth journey was to understand why people behave the way they do.

Whatever your product is, make sure everyone in the company understands the product. We have every employee on their first day make a vacuum cleaner – even if you are working in customer service.

Larry has the mind of an engineer, the curiosity of a thousand cats, and the humility to keep learning - which is the chief characteristic of the true changemaker (Innovation leader)."

Innovation is the act of introducing something new. That means change, giving up the old ways. President Woodrow Wilson once said, “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.”

In my desk drawer, I maintain a folder marked 'Life Lessons.' When I'm reading a book, magazine, or newspaper article and notice a life lesson, I save that in this folder.

I maintain a 'People I'd like to meet' folder. Last Friday, I met Geoff Calkins, a talk show host on the local ESPN sports radio and columnist for the Daily Memphian newspaper.